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It's all about the beer
Performing with mediocrity since 2005
Our slogan may be "it's all about the beer,"
but tonight was all about Rich Chenell
Thank You, Rich!
For 18 Years of Leading Mickey's
- to the promised land and into the abyss.
We'd follow you anywhere.
Founded and Captain'd by Rich Chenell since 2005, the Mickey's Sports Hockey Team has made life miserable for goalies (including our own) in rinks across Massachusetts. is dedicated to all the guys, past and present, who put on an orange sweater.
Mickey's Scrapbook
It's not whether you win or lose, it's how good you look doing it
David Lee Roth
Mickey's Porn
Press to set the mood
Actual other people's sticks Andy has taken home over the years
"For those of you who weren't there last night..."
Subtext: Artie
Rich's warm-up song
That time Baldy fell down on a shootout attempt
The look on your face when you hear who is on your line
Scott Gavin drew this gem up during a timeout in our '13 championship run. It wasn't until we were suckin' down cold ones in the locker room that we realized it was a basketball pick-n-roll play
NVO showers - where the flow and temperature are low and bacteria count is high
1. In 2005 Mickey's had bye weeks the week before Christmas and the weeks before the Patriot's AFC Championship and Super Bowl games.
2. In 2014-15, Mickey's had 4 straight 9:25pm games vs The Whalers.
3. In 2020-21, players from New Hampshire were not allowed in the rink, we had to get dressed & undressed in the parking lot in the dead of winter and in front of mites & squirts and their moms, and we had to wear masks while playing.
Answer: They are all TRUE
That time Brett forgot he had beer duty and Tony's girlfriend bailed him out
Cumulative gallons of shower over-spray suffered by Dave off of Andy's back
Craig has a workman like approach to the game and his cooler reflects it
Joe's the nicest guy. He just sits in the locker room with his ice pack, smiling, happy to be there
Until he tells Rich to F*ck Off
Game 15:
Joe gives Rich the finger
Game 16:
Joe & Steve give Rich the finger
Game 17:
Rich responds
2021 - 22 SEASON
Benassi would never lace up his skates until the guy with beer duty showed up
Actual recording of Feder's pre-game speech from 12/12/21 game vs The Rangers
2011 Team Photo
That time in Marlboro when Chris Colton came busting out of the bench door without looking and got pancaked - and got a penalty for interference
Actual recording of crowd when Mickey's won the 2012-13 Championship
That time when Artie was late getting on the ice for warm-ups and forgot to take off his skate guards and yard saled in front of both teams
Steve to Artie just before leaving the locker room, "don't forget to take your skate-guards off."
That time, in the middle of play, when the ref leaned into our bench and asked if anyone had any candy because he was high and craving something sweet
That time Steve got hit in the head with a Bud Light can
It's a Father-Son Thing
Scott Gavin - Brett Gavin
Dale LaBossiere - Graham LaBossiere
Scott Millin - Danny Millin
Mike Benassi - Rich Chenell
That time The Sheriff let us go into locker room OT
That time Rich gave up Lent for Lent
1965 - 2014
That time we
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